In light of my background, I hope you can imagine my dismay upon seeing Jehovah's Witness recruiters set up at a table in the ******* Student Center on Tuesday, February 17. My honest belief is that the purpose of this activity is not to educate interested ones in the Bible, but to target young people (who have not yet honed their critical thinking skills) for recruitment into their high-control organization.
I implore you to view this program just released in January 2015 by Jehovah's Witnesses on their "TV" website. It highlights their stance against higher education and is presented by Jehovahs Witness Governing Body member Anthony Morris III:
Further information about Jehovah's Witnesses' anti-college message can be found here:
Assuming it is ultimately your decision as to what groups may or may not set up tables at ******* student centers, I wanted you to be aware of the true nature of this particular group so as to make an informed choice.
PS: Not having formally withdrawn my membership from the Jehovah's Witness organization as I am under threat of losing all of my family and friends, I am not using my full name or school email address for anonymity's sake. Feel free to email me back if you have any questions.